PTA executive committee is a committee of parents and teachers who work together for the welfare of the students, parents and teachers. There are 15 members in the executive committee and the number of female members should be equal or more than equal. Representation from each section is mandatory.
The first meeting of executive committee and General body meeting be on the same day so that the President, Vice President etc. can be elected. The duration for being a PTA president is limited to three consecutive years.
PTA membership fee is mandatory for all parents every year. The membership fee should be given either at the time of admission or in the first month
President [A/H ] :Mr Muneer
Vice President : Mrs Shameem
Vice President : Mr Hashim Ankola
General Secretary :Dr Abdul Jaleel Marthya
Joint Secretary : Mrs Khadeejath Raihana P S
Joint Secretary : Mrs Rahina
Treasurer : Mr Sherifuddin
Member :Mr Shuhaib
Member :Mr Mohammed Rashad
Member : Mr Mohammed Rafeeque
Member : Mrs Delna Wilson
Member : Mrs Lakshmi K
Member : Mr Abdul Rahseed
Member : Mr Noushad A
Member : Mr Mohammed Haneef
Member : Mrs Fathima K A
Member : Mr Noushad A N
Member : Mrs Tanveen