The classrooms in M P International School is of 600 square feet.There is one room for each class and the minimum floor space is more than 1 square meter
Science Laboratory
The School has got separate Physics, Chemistry,Biology ,Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence Lab of 600 square feet each
The school library is fully equipped and with reading room facility and other resources to cater the strength of students in the school. It has got more than 7000 age appropriate books on all the subjects in stock.It includes e-books ,fiction,non fiction,reference books,encyclopedias,periodicals ,magazines,journals and news papers in English and regional languages. The staff and the students are encouraged to read e-magazines,e-jounals,e-books etc.The library doesnot contain any book or other forms of literature that espouse or propogate communal disharmony or casteism or discrimination based on religion ,region or language etc.However the holy books of all the religions is maintained for religious harmony. The library doesnot have stock of any book disapproved by the Government or the Central Board of Secondary Education. The books are issued to children regularly . The committee makes adequate budgetary provisions for library
Computer Laboratory
The school has got a computer laboratory of 700 square feet. Computers are maintained at student ratio of 1:20 with internet connectivity.There is adequate provisions related to cyber safety in the computer laboratory and students are allowed in the laboratory under the supervision of a teacher
Mathematics Laboratory
We have got a full fledged Mathematics Laboratory where students can experiment and explore patterns and ideas.Games ,puzzles and other teaching and learning materials are provided. The lab provides an opportunity for the students to discover Mathematics through doing which help students to visualize ,manipulate and reason
Activity Room
Activity rooms are designed keeping in mind the various needs of the plethora of activities provided by the school. We believe that ‘Art’ is the form of any activity performed to express its inner self. Students are encouraged and facilitated for sketching and painting.